Homemade Baguettes

Friends are coming over for a BBQ, but no chance to buy fresh baguettes? No problem. Do it on your own! That way you know what ingredients are in there! 

I am using a baguette tray, specially made for baking baguettes. But you don’t necessarily need one. Use a simple griddle, but make sure to use baking paper.

The best: it will only take you 5 minutes. And you can do something different while the dough is rising. It wont need your attention.


If you want you can even stuff your french bread with olives, bell peppers or dried tomatoes. Simply spread it all over the dough before furling it. There are no limits for imagination! 

print recipe

Homemade Baguettes
  • 500g flour, all-purpose
  • 300ml warm water
  • 1 cube fresh yeast
  • 12g salt
1.Take a huge bowl and add 320 ml of warm water. Add the fresh yeast and salt to the water and whisk it well until it is completely dissolved. Let it rest for 2 mins.2. Now add the flour and knead the dough until it is not moist anymore. (Use more flour if needed)3. Let the dough rest for approx. 60 minutes until the volume has doubled. If you feel like that wasn‘t enough time just wait another 30 minutes. While you wait preheat oven to 425°F . 4. When the dough volume has doubled - put the dough on a lightly floured surface and cut it into 3 equally big dough-balls. 5. Take a dough-ball and roll it out to the shape of a rectangle. (See video below). Furl the dough starting from the long side until your french bread looks like a real baguette. Spread some flour on it.6. Let the baguettes rise another 30-60 minutes. The volume will double.7. Now put the baguettes into the oven for approx. 25-30 minutes.It is always good to put a container full of water into the oven to get a nice crust. You can also add some olives or dried tomatoes to your dough if you like. Simply spread it over the dough before furling it. Watch the video for different options.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 3 Baguettes

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