Low Carb Pizza Boats with Cream Cheese

Do you know the feeling when the summer is coming and you feel like you should take a bit more care of what you are eating in order to feel more comfy in your hotpants or at the beach? We do know the feeling, or at least I do, so I have decided to share this delicious recipe with you!
Depending on your toppings, this pizza works great as a low carb meal. The “pizza dough” is simply made out of cauliflower and cream cheese.

Now you will probably asked yourself: "So? What's the difference to your Cauliflower Pizza?" - Right, not much I guess. The only difference is that we are using cream cheese instead of grated cheese which makes it alot easier to make the "dough". The consistency is a bit more "tight". 

Or maybe I just wanted to cauliflower pizza again and didn't have enough grated cheese ;-)


print recipe

Low Carb Pizza Boats
  • 500g cauliflower
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. ground almonds
  • 80g cream cheese
  • 1 tsp. dry oregano
1. Shred fresh cauliflower and cook it in hot water for like 4-5 minutes or use deep- frozen cauliflower, defrost and shred it. Use a dishtowel to wring out the water. The cauliflower should be as dry as possible.2. Now take a huge bowl, add the cauliflower and the rest of the ingredients. Stir well, until it is becoming a homogen mass.3. Preheat oven to 350°F, take the baking paper and try to make little pizza boats out of the cauliflower-cream cheese dough.4. Put the pizza dough into the oven for approx. 30-40 minutes and wait until the dough is evenly browned and crispy.5. Now take it out of the oven and spread the pizza with anything you like! Don’t forget the grated cheese! Now put it back into the oven for another 10 minutes until the cheese has melted.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield:

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